You Are Your Kids’ Hero (Yes, You)


Recently, the young daughter of a dear friend answered the question “What is a good life?” with this:

“A good life is when you take care of your kids and make them become real heroes.”

Awesome! Such truth there! How important for us as parents (and other concerned adults) to embrace that role as mentors for our future heroes.

But in order to help our children become their own heroes, we must first find the hero within ourselves. We must show our kids how to do it. The old writing adage “Show, don’t tell” applies to this work, as well. Our kids learn from us by modeling our behaviors. “Do as I say, not as I do” just won’t cut it.

So if we’re not pursuing our dream, if we’re not living our legend or creating our own ripple effect—no matter what that is, no matter how big or small—we’re not giving our kids the power and belief they need to grow into their own heroic selves.

We need to start with ourselves. We need to undertake our own hero’s journey to serve as an example for those who will follow us.

If you need some help unleashing your hero, for yourself and for your kids, here are a few actions you can take:

1. Set aside some time in the next week, at least an hour, to spend on yourself, and your search for your inner hero. Meditate on what being a hero means to you, and what being a hero to your kids might mean for them. Grab a notebook and write stuff down. If you need some additional guidance, pick up Be Your Own Hero: a Manifesto (you can get your copy by subscribing to the blog). There are additional exercises inside that’ll help you in your quest.

2. Have a conversation (age-appropriate) with your kids (or any important kids in your life) about heroes. Ask them questions like: What makes a great hero? Who are their heroes, and why? And then share with them your own answers, and why you think it’s important for each of us to find our inner hero and share that with the world.

3. Start one heroic practice today. Take one action, no matter how small, to start building your image of your heroic self.

“. . . if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. . . .” – Henry David Thoreau, Walden

I’d love to hear what happens when you take one or more of these actions, and how it feels to pursue your own hero’s journey and serve as a beacon for others. Please come back and share in the comments!


If you’d like some additional resources and encouragement to help you unleash your own inner hero, and to model that transformation for your kids, be sure to subscribe by entering your email in the box in the sidebar to your right. You’ll get your own copy of the Be Your Own Hero manifesto, regular updates from the blog, and other subscriber-only tools and goodies.


[photo courtesy of Julen cc]

2 thoughts on “You Are Your Kids’ Hero (Yes, You)

  1. James Michael Taylor

    When my son was younger, we were joking around, imitating one another.

    I asked him, “What does Daddy say more than anything?”

    His response: “I love you.”

    Words can’t say how right I felt in my life in that moment.

    Quoting Wordsworth’s great poem:

    My heart leaps up when I behold
    A rainbow in the sky:
    So was it when my life began;
    So is it now I am a man;
    So be it when I shall grow old,
    Or let me die!
    The Child is father of the Man;
    And I could wish my days to be
    Bound each to each by natural piety.

    May we be blessed to look to our younger selves, and our children, as examples of the superhero power of awe and wonder.

    1. Steve Post author

      That is so awesome, James! “I love you.” Priceless. And so fitting for the man I know you to be. Your children are very lucky to have you (and you to have them…)

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